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Monday, June 4, 2012

Inside-Out Burgers

The sun was out and shining, the pool was cool and refreshing, and the bros were hungree. This meant one thing: time 2 grill. Who wants to be cooped up inside slaving over a hot stove when you can be chilling and grilling outside enjoying the beautiful weather? Well, nothing goes better with a lovely summer day then some bomb burgers. JJ had been requesting burgers all morning so I decided to grant his wish and whip him some up that he would not forget. How do you make a simple burger unforgettable?  Turn it inside out, duh. Inside-Out Burgers have the cheese inside the actual burger, so when you take a bite hot melted cheeze oozes out from every possible nook and cranny. Use your favorite burger recipe or take two pre-made patties and seal your favorite cheese inside, and grill for about 15 minutes, or until you're happy. I used American cheeze as per requested by Jake and JJ, but use your favorite. Top with a spicy chili lime mayonnaise, ketchup, grilled onions, avocado, lettuce, and tomato, and you are good 2 go. SO, fiyah up that grill and get gooiiiing.

Spicy Chili Lime Mayo

chili powder
cayenne pepper
red paper flakes
lime juice 

Recipe: Combine all ingredients, seasoning to taste. 
 Char the buns on the grill and slather it awwnnnnn
 A very melty Inside-Out


 And thats how its done.

grillin 'n chillin

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